they pretended there was a break in to the trophy case,with stuff written like "NO JOCKS" and "PDMS RULES" on it.PDMS stands for philophiles of (name removed for privacy) middle school.they made a whole PDMS cult website and called all 7th graders down to the cafeteria,then explained the whole situation,then we went back to the "pod",a place where all the classrooms are,explained it some more,then said,"looks like a job for *all put on shades* (name removed) MIDDLE SCHOOL CSI!!!! it was the start of a series of projects in science class.screwy,right?i thought this would lead to a shooting.a bunch of other students were really worried too.they screwed with our young,vunerable minds,AND THEN REVEALED IT WAS ALL A JOKE.jack-As.
Ya, whoever orchestrated that plan deserves an ass-kicking